My account


How can I change my personal information?

You can do so by clicking on the link "Edit" in the "My Prodile" area. The toolbar is located on the right side of your screen when you're logged in. Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of each page you update.

I forgot my password, how can I get it back?

If you don't remember your password, try logging in to the site with whatever password you believe it might be. If the password is incorrect you will be shown an error stating your password is incorrect. Along with this error message you will be given the option to retrieve your password.

Why do you need so much information?

In order to best find your match, as well as let your match find you we ask as much information about your personality and views on life. Think about it this way, if you were going to go on a blind date, you would want to know a bit about the person you're going to go out with... right? This allows us to become the friend who's matching you and your date up, while at the same time giving you thousands of options to pick and choose from.

Why was something in my profile rejected?

There are a number of reasons why something you added to your profile was rejected.

- You used offensive or abusive language
- You didn't fill out the field properly
- You included an email address, phone number or home address (we do not permit this for safety reasons).

How do I change my email address?

You can change your email address by going to your Edit Email page (which is located in "My Profile"). On this page you can enter your new email address, you will be required to enter your password for security reasons.

How can I change my password?

To change your password, or other settings such as your email address, click on the "Edit Password" button (which is located in "My Profile").

You will be asked for your current password, as well as a new password (which you will need to retype a second time to make sure you didn't make a mistake).


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