

How do I post a photo?

You can upload a photo of yourself by clicking the "Upload photo" link in your user toolbar.

How do I set my main photo?

Once you upload a photo and it has been approved (all photos get processed by a member of our Team, which means we crop the photo and reject any inappropriate photos), you can select it to be your primary photo. By default the first photo you upload, once approved, will become your primary photo. To set your photo to main simply click on the button to the photo labeled "Set Primary Photo".

My photo won't upload onto the site.

Please check to make sure you image size is bigger than 500 width and 480 height. Also the file must be a JPG or PNG.

If your image meets the above standards and you are still having problems, please let us know what browser you are using and what error message you are receiving after your attempt to upload the image.


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